CEP Local 298 Kitimat

Strike Pictures        cep298@monarch.net        Negotiations Files

The British Columbia Liberal Party’s
Plans for the Province
Campbell Government Demonstration

June 17, 2003

At 2:00 p.m. Premier Campbell attended a meeting at the Chamber of Commerce office with the Mayor and City Council. The message from our Mayor and Council was that our resources are for local jobs not for export was clearly communicated to the Premier. Chants from the concerned citizens and groups were “The RCMP don’t like working for drunk drivers!” “Stop selling power!” “Stop Selling Saw Logs!” “If Gordon Campbell wants to live in a 3rd world country, he should move to one and leave B.C. alone!” and many more slogans.

Instead of coming out the front door and facing the concerned citizens and groups Gordon Campbell crept out the back door and into a police car and was whisked away. So people started to call him “Back Door Campbell”

A special thanks To Karl-Heinz Luethje, Terry Lam and Dan Belleville whos Feet you see behind the banner

This was what the demonstration was about the future jobs for our kid

The British Columbia Liberal Party’s Plans for the Province

Campbell government is selling our power, our trees and our future. Now for the next step of their strategy they are in the process of changing the labour laws, which will allow children to work without their parent’s consent. This will set up a scenario where companies can work children in factories like any other third world country.

In the mean time the government has decided to cut over $100 million from the budget for the ministry of Children & Family Development. It appears that the government has an unusual way of looking after today’s youth, which the government has always insisted is our future.


Check bulletin boards and http://www.cep298.com/negotiations.html

For vote meeting times and dates

In Solidarity

Peter G. King
President CEP 298
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