This page is maintained by the CEP local 298 membership,
it's content does not necessarily express the views of the CEP, local 298, or it's officers
Local 298 represents 360 workers
at Eurocan pulp and paper in Kitimat British Columbia. The mill is currently
owned by West Fraser
West Fraser Timber's Board of Directors
list of union links
Business operating costs lower in Canada - the findings of a KPMG survey
Business is cheaper in Canada
The Competitive Alternative:
A Comparison of Business Costs in Canada and the United States
Business is cheaper in Canada full store
Union Links
CEP - Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada
CEP Local1123 Campbell River, B.C. a pulp and paper local working at Elk Falls, Fletcher Challenge Canada Ltd.
CEP Local 72-M at TVOA Local representing workers at TV Ontario.
CEP Local 226-MA print Local from Vancouver.
CEP Local 81A telephone Local in the Laurentide and Lanaudiere regions of Quebec.
CEP Local 34-O A telephone Local from the Ottawa area.
CEP Local 911 An Information Technology Local in Regina
CEP Local 250 A paper sector local working at Daishowa
CEP Local 830-M A broadcasting local in Vancouver
PPWC local 2 Crofton pulp and paper on Vancouver Island.
CEP local 1092 Mackenzie Pulp.
Useful Multimedia Links Page
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We are afiliated with the Canadian Labour Congress
Pulp Price index
Watch Westfraser's stock prices!
Tuesday, August 11, 1998